Porn Bots Taking Over Your Instagram Stories: Are You Being Cyberstalked?

Porn bots are a new hot topic as Instagram users report seeing an influx in sex bots or porn bots viewing and liking their stories.
This has been happening for quite some time; however, it’s only gotten worse in recent months. Let’s be honest, there are plenty of us who wish these porn bots were actual stalkers, but the truth is, they are not.
Apps like TikTok reward content creators for having high engagement and views, thus making videos where they can convince users that we’re all being stalked is a sure way to get a boost in views. So, all in all, it’s not true. We’re not all being cyberstalked, and no one cares that you’ve posted another video of your cat staring out of the window from your living room couch.
I know, for most, this is not the answer you want to hear; however, we have a duty to be honest about what’s going on in the world, and we do not wish to mislead anyone. If anything, the only time you can be sure that you’re being cyberstalked is if a random page starts watching your stories, and the profile has no followers, no following, no pictures, and the profile is private. Additionally, the name is usually something associated with what that person stalking you likes. For example, when that started happening to me, I knew who it was because:
- One ex created a fake page with a gym name—he’s a gym guy, so I knew it was him.
- One ex created a fake page with the names of basketball players—he’s a basketball coach and enjoys playing recreationally as well.
- One ex created a fake page with a Jamaican name—he’s Jamaican.
Men are not that clever, so don’t expect some outlandish name that you won’t be able to decipher. Most of the time, they're spying because they miss you and want to see if you’re happy without them. Other times it's because they’re bored and want to see if you’re still single, hoping that you will notice them in your stories and eventually reach out.

I can’t tell you what to do, but most of the time, I block the pages, and if it happens again, then I confront the guy. I am not a fan of games, and no one has time for it. If you aren’t man enough to approach me, then what are you doing here? Move on and mind your business. Don’t be afraid to confront these jerks; remember, these types of men are nothing to be afraid of.
However, on the contrary, if you feel your life is in danger, get a restraining order or make sure you take screenshots and share them with family and friends so everyone is aware of what is happening. But make sure to never stay silent out of fear that you’ll push him away. We want men, not cowards!
- Instagram stories anonymously:
- InstaNavigation is my favorite. I’ve been using it for years (yes, I spy on one of my exes lol). Simply open the website, type their username into the search bar, and hit search.
- Insanony is another one I enjoy using. But, sometimes it glitches and doesn’t load right away.
- Instagram Stories Viewer is also great, and this one shows you the time the post went up as well. But, like the previous one, there can sometimes be glitches.
Whenever you use any of these websites, there is absolutely no trace left behind on that person's story or Instagram page. So, like I said earlier, all of that commotion about bots being people viewing your page from these websites is simply untrue. Make no mistake; however, just because you can’t see the bots or see the people viewing your page doesn’t mean there isn’t anyone doing it. But to be quite honest, most men don’t use these options; normally, they already have a finsta, so by the time you guys end things, they’ll just use their backup page to spy on you.
It's not unlikely for the person you’ve been seeing to have had multiple accounts and was engaging with or dating multiple people. Men do it all the time, and social media has made it quite easy to cheat and get away with it. Even if you confront someone about a finsta you caught on your page, they can easily deny it, and there isn’t much else you can do.
Take it from me; the best thing is to ignore and live your life to the fullest. Men are fleeting creatures, and if life and TikTok story times have taught me anything, it's that many of us are better off alone—well-traveled, pet parents with good careers and lots of disposable income.
by Danielle Wright