Gifts for Second Time Moms

“Have a second child.” They said.
“You don’t want your child growing up alone.” They said.
Until you become a parent your perception of what mom life entails may be a bit obscured. I know there are some moms all over social media who make it look easy—they’re SAHW or girlfriends, running the kids to and from ballet, and soccer and not breaking a sweat. Kudos to those women who are great at keeping it together so no one can question them on what they could be going through.
It’s not a bad thing, it’s just one of those things where the transparency is missing and the next thing you know, a childless friend or family member is getting you a pair of socks for Mother’s Day. We get it, we don’t often complain so how can anyone possibly know what we need?
As a single mom of one and another on the way via adoption, I cannot begin to tell you how much of an emotional rollercoaster I am on. You see, from a young age I envisioned myself married with three kids by twenty-nine, next thing I knew, I was/am everything but married and the clock is ticking. I would hate for my child to grow up alone and, I always had planned on adopting anyway and figured, why not? Between my wish list and some other mentions from my mommy friends with two-plus children, here are some great gifts that are likely to delight a second-time mom.
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Yes, something as simple as coming home to a clean house and having the car cleaned is a blessing to any mom. If you want to gift a second-time mom with a clean home, please feel to grab your mom a gift card from your favorite retailer or places online like BHN Rewards formerly known as Rybbon. They have hundreds of gift cards for you to choose from.
Take the kids, that’s all, just take the children. Moms simply need a break, it doesn’t have to be too long—eight to ten hours. Just long enough for her to feel like she can unwind, let her hair down, and take a moment to decompress. Something like this may seem simple enough but it goes a long way. Plus, in some cases mommy will end up missing her kids, so you’ll know she’s had enough alone time and is recharged.
I love good music and food, two things I know I can find at a festival. Send your mommy friend on a trip to a festival, perhaps you can cover the flight and she can cover the hotel, but just know that this is such a wonderful gift and will not soon be forgotten. It’s not uncommon for a mom to feel trapped at home and begin giving her grocery lists a perfunctory glance or other responsibilities. This is not because she no longer cares, but because things are too routine and she needs some excitement in her life.
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“Sometimes, as much as I love Brady, being a mother just isn’t enough. I miss my job.”
Recently, I gave a SmartBidet a try and while the experience was different, as a mom with a young child I recommend enjoying this solely while on vacation. I say that because the setup process is a bit hectic and the cost of owning one can be too expensive. But it’s a great piece of luxury to look for when you’re going out of town. For mom's next vacation, book a hotel with a bidet, she is going to love it! She’ll feel the cleanest she's ever felt.
Since we’re on the topic of luxury once in a while it’s nice to be treated to a cooked meal. For a second-time mom, you can either book a nice restaurant or send the kids off and hire a chef for the night, whatever is easiest and cost-friendly. The important thing is mom does not have to lift a finger or worry about dinner for the night. Had someone told me that adulting meant having to find food every single day—especially when you have kids, I would have passed *lol, j/k*. But, finding food for you and your family can be a doozy. Moms need a break, too.
As moms we tend to neglect ourselves in every which way—hair, clothes, nails, toes…you name it. A great gift for mom is a shopping spree to help her to feel confident again. Having children can wreak havoc on your self-esteem. However, confidence starts in the closet and if you can help the mom in your life revamp her wardrobe she’ll thank you for it. It’s the little things that will always mean the most to us, moms.
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Usually, when you decide to have your second child the excitement dims down a bit and the gifts don’t flow as much as it was the first. Consider offering a few gifts for the second baby—keep the same excitement because children are after all a blessing, it does not matter the numerical order.
Most second-time moms will create a baby registry and not add as many items as they did the first time around, but if you notice this, go the extra mile if you can. Once she sees how excited everyone else is around her, her mood will change and that will make for a great memory.
So, that’s our list.
by Rosie Gamble