Fashion for Menopause: Stylish Solutions for Comfort and Confidence

The other day, I made a light joke with my mom, saying, “When does menopause start? Because I’m tired of seeing my period?” At first, she smiled, but as quickly as her lips curled, it turned into a frown even faster. “Menopause, despite what many think, is not an easy thing,” she replied. Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the end of a woman’s menstrual cycle and reproductive years. It is officially diagnosed when a woman has gone 12 consecutive months without a menstrual period.
This typically starts between the ages of 45 and 55, with the average age being 51 in most women. However, it can begin earlier or later depending on genetic, lifestyle, and health factors. Have you ever wondered why, as women get older, they tend to be more confident, and their attire changes to something more modest and conservative? Well, perimenopause, which begins when a woman is in her late 30s or 40s, is usually the reason for this.
As our hormonal fluctuations start, this can lead to irregular periods, hot flashes, and other symptoms, leaving women to slowly start to prioritize their peace and comfort. No more thongs and string bikinis—unless you’re an Instagram model who relies on engagement to feed your family. Brands like Bydee, which offer a wide collection of one-piece women’s swimsuits, are typically a go-to for women entering this perimenopause phase because the price point is great, and so are the fabrics used for their products.
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As we get up there in age, it’s not uncommon to see more and more women embracing a calmer, more minimal lifestyle, promoting things like golfing and going to see a play, then enjoying a nice dinner afterward, where there’s a live jazz band playing in the background. Along with this, they find themselves revamping their wardrobe and making room for pieces like linen pants and tops, oversized tops, and trench coats.
I remember it like it was yesterday: my friend and I went to Times Square to window shop, and we found ourselves browsing around in Forever 21. Upon entering, the first thing that came to mind was, “Why is everything so small?” I mean, crop tops were everywhere, and I do mean upstairs and downstairs, in the center, and hanging along the walls. Do they not make full-sized shirts anymore? Places like Forever 21, Hollister, Abercrombie & Fitch, and even H&M were staples for us when we were undergrads, but you would think they would progress with the times.
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Gen Zs are not sporting the pencil skirts and business attire get-up we used to wear to go to clubs and outings; they are into oversized denim jeans and graphic tees from Hot Topic. As we get older, it gets harder to fathom the thought of having to resort to stores like New York & Company or Macy’s for actual clothing, and so, we keep ourselves in denial. So, as an alternative, many of us have turned to thrifting. There once was a time when thrifting would yield the best results, and the finds would be authentic and unique, making you stand out among friends and family who were all just fashion carbon copies.
Blazers, shorts, button-down tops, and so much more—oh, and let’s not forget the jeans that came fully intact with the correct amount of fabric, not the sliced-up clothing we all see today. Fashion for menopause simply means covering up with pieces that complement your personality. Remember earlier when I mentioned the increased confidence that women get as we age? Well, this means finding your style and wearing what makes you happy, unapologetically.
If we were all dressing for the approval of those around us, would we be living in our truth at all? The answer is no. This could also look like attracting the wrong people into our lives. Perimenopause is such a crucial time for us women, especially those of us without children but who want them. This is the time in your life when you’re going to attract the person you could find yourself tethered to for eighteen-plus years. Don’t you want that person to see you dressed appropriately and approach you with a certain level of respect?
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Contrary to what many may think, the way a woman carries herself is what is going to determine the type of men who will approach her and how he intends to treat her. When you go outside with little to no care in your appearance—chipped nails, hair uncombed, shirt and jeans too small, giving you a muffin top—it all just screams, “I don’t care, so why should you?” One of the celebs who I believe perfectly nails this grown and sexy era of fashion is Victoria Beckham. She is the epitome of grace alongside Anne Hathaway.
I’ve included some examples above of two looks I believe every woman in her late 30s to 60s should emulate. But if you’re like me and still want to be on both sides of the coin—a bodycon dress here and there, but some wide-legged trousers for another day—then go for it! Each occasion calls for a different look, but the overall takeaway is that you should always choose comfort over style, but one does not have to come without the other. Expand your options and find new places to shop that will cater to your body type, and don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.
by Samara Morris