Why Do So Many Adults Have ADHD Now?

Why Do So Many Adults Have ADHD Now?

The term attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a medical condition that affects our ability to sit still and have self-control. Typically, it is developed and diagnosed in childhood and will often last until adulthood. However, now it seems that adults are struggling with this condition and developing it later on in life.

Their inability to focus on one thing at a time without distraction is growing in women more so than men. We see this most prevalent with women who have children and are responsible for running their household: cooking, cleaning, getting the kids ready for school, or getting themselves ready for work. Everyone is overstimulated all the time.

The rise of new technology seems to be the culprit as our attention is heavily sought after by larger corporations interested in monetizing their users to advertisers. Many adults with ADHD are not aware they have it, while many others will jokingly say that they have it. It’s one of those things that can go undiagnosed as long as it does not have a negative effect on your quality of life. Some things to look out for if you fear you’re struggling with ADHD or know someone who is:

  • Impulsiveness

  • Poor planning

  • Poor time management skills

  • Frequent mood swings

  • Hot temper

  • Problems focusing on a task or growing frustration from a task

Dating someone with ADHD can be exhausting as one would assume they are a narcissist (selfish) or lazy and entitled when the truth is, they simply lack the cognitive function needed to carry out the tasks that would aid in building and sustaining a healthy relationship.

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"The rise of new technology seems to be the culprit as our attention is heavily sought after by larger corporations interested in monetizing their users to advertisers. "

She's SINGLE Magazine

For example, perhaps the person you’re in a relationship with oftentimes forgets small things like getting groceries after work or filling up your gas tank despite being asked and reminded numerous times. Yet, their focus is immediately pulled elsewhere due to a lack of impulse control. Completing one task seems daunting for them, like they can’t wait to get it over with to take on something new.

As we continue to use our phones or stare at screens more often than not, this pull for our attention in almost every area of our lives can be catastrophic. Maybe you want to scroll on TikTok, maybe you want to watch a movie on Netflix, maybe you want to go out and get some fresh air; it’s all too much to consider since there are so many options available.

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Almost everyone has some symptoms similar to ADHD, which is probably why more people are just calling it that versus citing only one symptom they may exhibit. It’s almost become a trend for many creatives to just say they have ADHD without fully understanding what it consists of.

We can show symptoms of a mental disorder but not be diagnosed with it. A diagnosis should come from a professional, and you would need to show more than one sign of that disorder to be diagnosed. In other words, a person who is hot-tempered or hates waiting in line or driving in traffic is not automatically a person with ADHD; they are simply irritable or impatient.

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Why Do So Many Adults Have ADHD Now?


Did you know the foods you eat can have an effect on your brain health? Well, while ADHD can be a result of genetics, it can also derive from brain injuries, nutrition, and social environment. Your dietary choices can affect your attention, focus, and hyperactivity. You may want to cut down on your intake of:

  • Coffee

  • Energy drinks

  • Soda

  • Fried foods

  • Beef

  • White rice

  • Honey

  • Skinless potatoes

  • Processed foods – anything that comes in a box or a bag

  • Products that contain the words "contains bioengineered food ingredients"

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  • Eggs

  • Meat products

  • Nuts

  • Fish

  • Brown rice

  • Vegetables

  • Fruits


  • Vitamin D3

  • Iron

  • Magnesium

  • Vitamin B-6

None of these options are a replacement for any ADHD medication you may be taking or have been prescribed, but they can help. I've noticed that over the past few months, I have had trouble sleeping and staying focused on a single task, and I've struggled with feeling lethargic for the majority of the week. This led me to make some drastic changes in my overall diet and incorporate a smoothie into my breakfast every morning: an 8oz glass of blended pineapple, cucumber, or apple or pear and sliced raw ginger.

This not only helped to get rid of my period cramps each month but also to melt away the fat around my abdominal area. It's interesting to see how small changes in our daily lives can have a big impact on our health. Not only that, but it's good to leave the house at least once a day for an hour. Staying inside and not allowing yourself to absorb natural vitamin D can lead to depression and skin irritation.

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Be mindful of the places you visit, as some places may expose you to lead , which can also aid in the development of ADHD. If someone offers you tap water, try to ask for a substitute—bottled water or sparkling water. It is not uncommon for restaurants to pour tap water for their guests; please do not drink this. Carry a bottle of natural spring water in a purse or on your person when going out to eat, and before the waiter or waitress can fill your glass with water, pour the water from your bottle in there instead.

Trust me, this may sound like an uncivilized act, but it’s truly for the betterment of your health. The only person who can take charge of your life is you. Do not feel ashamed or unsophisticated for speaking up for yourself or taking precautionary measures to help extend your quality of life. After all, while healthcare is free in many countries, it is not in the United States, and here is where many large corporations deem it fit to add detrimental ingredients to our foods and cut corners in establishments to save money or earn more money. Do not subject yourself to an unpleasant lifestyle that will only cause you grief in the long run.

by Harley Miller

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