Personality Compatibility Test for Couples | She's SINGLE Magazine
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8 Personality Compatibility Test for Couples

by Siobhan Quinn

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Many factors contribute to a healthy, lasting relationship: trust, honesty, communication, respect, and compatibility are all essential to creating a relationship that can stand the test of time. Things like trust, honesty, communication, and respect can be developed and worked on.

But as for compatibility? It’s kind of a you-either-have-it-or-you-don't sort of thing—it's not something that can be changed or improved substantially. So how do you know if you and your partner are truly compatible? Here are eight popular personality compatibility tests to help you find out.

Based on you and your partner’s answers to seven questions, this compatibility test groups your personality types into one of four categories: sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, and melancholic. Then, the test evaluates the romantic combination of your personality types, breaking it down into strengths, weaknesses, similarities, and differences.

There is also a free personality test by Personality Data that goes into even more details. The test might help reaffirm something you already knew about your relationship, give you a different angle to look at it, or introduce something new altogether!

This compatibility test consists of 15 questions about your relationship—from your world views and age difference to your food tastes and where you see your future as a couple. At the end of the test, your overall compatibility is broken down and ranked. If you’re smitten with the result, you can even share it on Facebook!

The Gottmann Relationship Quiz was created with the idea in mind that the compatibility of your relationship depends on how intimately you know your partner. Broken up into four parts—your knowledge about your partner, your romantic relationship, your friendship, and your values—this quiz evaluates your relationship based on the way you view your partner and how you feel viewed by them. At the end of the quiz, it totals your yes answers and breaks down what that number means for your relationship.



Nanaya is a romantic personality test that believes love should be backed by scientific predictions—not simply left to chance. The test takes anywhere from 5-30 minutes to complete, depending on how thoroughly you go through it. Then, their algorithm takes 5 minutes to calculate your results, which it then sends over to you in a personalized report. From there, you can see the predictions of your romantic future and adjust your decisions accordingly.

This test will identify the type of person you want as a partner. This isn’t superficial characteristics like height and outward appearance, but rather the deeper-rooted elements of a person that make you fall in love with them. You can take this test while single and it will help you discover what you truly want and deserve in a partner; or, you can take it while in a relationship and see if your current partner is truly right for you or if you should move on.

This compatibility test is made up of 13 questions ranging from how you like to spend time with your partner to the kind of future you see with them. After working your way through each question and reaching the end of the quiz, you’ll discover just how compatible you and your partner truly are. But remember to answer as honestly as possible—not just selecting the answer you think sounds ‘right’!

Astrology might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but even if you’re skeptical, this love compatibility test is incredibly detailed and can be quite revealing about your relationship. You simply select your zodiac sign and your partner’s zodiac sign to see how your couple pairing breaks down. It delves into the unique strengths and weaknesses of your relationship, along with a summary of how strong your relationship is likely to be.

Relate's Quiz: Are You and Your Partner Compatible?

The creators of this quiz believe that compatibility is enhanced by how much time you and your partner spend together and how well you work together as a team. This 10-question quiz dives into political and religious views, finances, intimacy, how you spend time together, and so much more. Once you’ve finished the quiz, the results share how similar or different you and your partner’s views are, along with what may be necessary to make this relationship stronger.

All of these tests are helpful when trying to discover just how compatible you and your partner are, and they can offer a fresh perspective on what your relationship may be lacking. But take them with a grain of salt! You, your partner, and your relationship are constantly evolving, so your answers to these tests might change down the road. As long as you and your partner are overall happy and able to compromise, there is much to look forward to.

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