What Is a Mother?

Motherhood is a gift that for many women is regarded as bringing forth the best moments in their lives. Watching their children grow up, learning about them, and having the honor of sharing a life where their kids express gratitude for their adaptability and kindness. A mother’s strength is not easily replicated, which is why Mother’s Day is so heavily celebrated across the country. What does it mean to be a mother? While this definition can be subjective, it is a female parent or woman who gave birth to a child.
Sometimes, however, a mother can be a female role model who has taken on the responsibility of raising a child. For some children, their “mother” is a distant relative, a family friend, a Godmother… it is the person whom they have come to respect, cherish, and love for the sacrifices they have made on their behalf.
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“Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind.”
Mothers are revered for their ability to not only birth their children but also handle labor pains, post-partum depression, and even hormonal imbalances. Pregnancy changes many women, from hair loss to weight gain and everything in between, so carrying a child for 9+ months is no easy feat and worth celebrating each and every year as we typically do. Mothers are known for having:
A good mother embodies unconditional love for her children, accepting them for who they are and supporting them through both their triumphs and challenges. This love provides a stable foundation for children to grow and thrive. I remember watching this film, ‘Four Good Days,’ starring Mila Kunis and Glenn Close, and being brought to tears by the story.
I recommend giving this movie a watch on Mother’s Day so I won’t spoil it—the overall synopsis is that a heroin addict must stay clean for four days to qualify for a monthly shot of an opioid antagonist. While it sounds simple enough, the acting and storytelling are immaculate, and both Kunis and Close deliver outstanding performances.
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Patience is a vital quality for mothers, as raising children often requires dealing with tantrums, setbacks, and difficult phases. A patient mother remains calm and composed, offering guidance and support even in the most trying situations. We’re all human, and life can get the better of us at some point or another, but a good mother will go through things without placing additional stress on their children. It’s good to be generous towards your mother because while she may appear strong, she’s likely putting on a brave face in an effort to not worry her children. Reciprocate patience and reward her with understanding.
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A good mother expresses empathy, the ability to understand and share in her children’s emotions and experiences. By empathizing with their feelings, she can connect with them on a deeper level and provide the emotional support they need. When mothers empathize with their children, it is a cathartic experience. For so many children, they are constantly misunderstood by the world, and to have one person who gets you and makes it a priority to do so is not to be taken lightly.
We see this a lot with children who are members of the LGBTQ+ community and how difficult it is for many of them to share their thoughts and experiences with their family and friends or even other parental figures. To have a mother who is not only nurturing but also empathetic towards her child is a mother who deserves the world.
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"I always say I stumbled on the information about the poison in Hinkley's drinking water because I was sort of stumbling about in my life at that time generally, as a single mother."
Mothers are natural nurturers, providing care, comfort, and nourishment to their children from infancy through adulthood. Whether it’s tending to a scraped knee or offering words of encouragement, a nurturing mother creates a safe and loving environment for her children to thrive. A recent story on TikTok began making its rounds as one woman made the hard decision to turn her children over to CPS. Admittedly, she says that raising her kids is hard and she simply cannot provide them with stability.
Users are divided on this, some feeling as though she made the right decision and did what she felt was best, instead of murdering the children, as we have seen sometimes happen in cases such as this. On the other hand, mothers are calling her irresponsible and cruel for essentially abandoning her children. But one of the things that makes a mother a good mother is knowing her limits.
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Our take is that the former is true; she made the conscious decision to turn her children over to a community who can aid them better than she can at the present moment. Will she be winning a mother of the year award? No. But can we all agree that mental health is important and sometimes mothers need a break too, and with no village in sight, she utilized a resource that is available to her. We hope that she lands on her feet and one day can reunite with her children under the same roof—sending her love and light.
Motherhood is full of surprises and unexpected challenges, requiring mothers to be adaptable and flexible in their approach. A good mother embraces change and is willing to adjust her parenting style to meet the evolving needs of her children at different stages of their lives. Different styles include:
As children grow, their needs change—some kids need parents who are more hands-on, and others, not so much. Good mothers are aware of this, and as my mother would say, “Seven different children, seven different minds.”
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If you’re anything like me and my mom, we like to cuddle up on Mother’s Day and check out some good flicks—after Sunday service, of course. So, here are some recommendations from me and her to you and your mommy.
This heartwarming film portrays the bond between a group of women in a small Southern town, particularly focusing on M'Lynn Eatenton, played by Sally Field, and her daughter Shelby, played by Julia Roberts. M'Lynn's strength and resilience are tested as she supports Shelby through her health struggles.
ROOM (2015)
Based on the novel by Emma Donoghue, "Room" tells the story of Ma, played by Brie Larson, and her young son Jack, who are held captive in a small shed. Despite their harrowing circumstances, Ma's unwavering love for Jack gives them both the strength to endure and ultimately escape.
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My mom and I are also huge ‘Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’ fans, so watching this one may send you down a rabbit hole; explore it. Trust me, it’s juicy! In this biographical film, Julia Roberts stars as Erin Brockovich, a single mother who becomes a legal assistant and fights against a corporation accused of polluting a small town's water supply. Erin's determination and maternal instincts drive her to seek justice for the community and her own family.
This ensemble comedy-drama follows multiple interconnected stories centered around the celebration of Mother's Day. Through various characters and their relationships, the film explores the challenges and joys of motherhood in all its forms.
BRAVE (2012)
This animated fantasy film from Disney and Pixar tells the story of Princess Merida, who defies tradition and challenges expectations to forge her own path. Merida's relationship with her mother, Queen Elinor, is central to the story as they navigate misunderstandings and ultimately learn to appreciate each other's strengths. The film highlights the bond between mother and daughter as they overcome obstacles together and embrace their individuality.
by Harley Miller