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How to Unwind After a Stressful Day: A Guide for the Working Woman

by Lucy Hudson

Photo by Elle Hughes from Pexels

There are numerous triggers for stress in our daily lives. After sitting in endless traffic, debating with co-workers, or generally exhausting yourself by doing too much, it is essential for our mental health to take time out, though sometimes relaxing is easier said than done. Here are six essential tips to unwind after a hectic day.


If the weather is on your side and you feel up to it, getting out into the fresh air is excellent for a low mood. It doesn’t have to be a long hike, and even a brief ten-minute walk can help you start to forget your troubles. Make sure to take deep breaths and pause for a moment to enjoy some of nature’s best scenery. If you feel it will help, take a pair of headphones with you and listen to chill-out music or your favorite podcast for maximum effect.


While this may seem too easy, the old-fashioned approach of shutting off the world and escaping to a luxury hot bubble bath can be all you need to ease both your body and soul. The French fragrance brand Diptyque provides signature scented candles to complete the mood, offering a unique sensory experience. Diptyque candles have many luxury scents ranging from lavender, pine, and honey to amber, ginger, and peppermint—pair with relaxing music or a calming face mask for the ultimate soothing experience.


For some, the idea of relaxing is too challenging when you can’t switch off your mind, especially if you’re stressed about a particular event. Writing down your feelings can be the perfect way to destress, distance yourself from emotions, and transfer your feelings onto paper. It can also help to reflect on the positives in your life and see the bigger picture rather than your current situation.


One of the best-known practices for stress relief is meditation. This can be done at home if you prefer to avoid being around others in a class or gym. There are many free YouTube tutorials to help you practice yoga, which is especially useful if you are a beginner. Meditation or yoga can help you concentrate on your breathing, which is especially useful to combat anxiety since it assists you in regaining control of how you are feeling.


It is self-explanatory, but a simple phone call or meeting up with those who know you best can help cheer you up instantly. The old proverb ‘a problem shared is a problem halved’ need not be tested. Discussing your problems is entirely optional, though it might help you gain perspective. Sometimes listening to other people’s issues can be a great distraction to your own.

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It may seem a strange way to relax but working out can hugely boost your mood. This doesn’t have to be an intense exercise as even a brief swim or run can help you start to feel great again. Since the body releases endorphins, scientifically, this may be the best method of all to change your mood, though if you don’t feel up to it, don’t push yourself.

Cycling is a low-impact exercise you can try after work. It’s good for your heart and strengthens your lower body without being too strenuous to fit into your routine. After all, hopping on your electric bike to do errands is a healthier and more eco-friendly alternative to driving. As a working woman, your job requires a lot from you. Regular cycling can help you deal with stress from work. Aerobic activities like cycling have been shown to help decrease stress levels and manage anxiety and depression.


It sounds simple, but with an endless choice of content, browsing through streaming services can end up causing more stress. Ensure to avoid shows or movies that may be emotional or inspire deep thinking, as this may overload your mind while it is already stressed. If you do fancy a night in front of the TV, check out some of the most relaxing shows on Netflix, according to science. You could even make a relaxing herbal tea and opt for a good book while snuggled up in bed.


While this might seem a bit drastic, temporarily unplugging from the world can be the perfect remedy for clearing your mind if you can afford to do so. Social media is great for engagement and improving mood, though it can also be detrimental to mental health. Scrolling through your Instagram is a gamble when you are not in the best headspace, as it can trigger intense feelings, such as seeing friends enjoying themselves while you are having a bad day.

While stress will likely be a part of your life now and then, it can help to know feelings are always temporary. Try to get ahead of a bad day by keeping a destress box that you can come home to, including bath salts, a relaxing face mask, and luxury candles. With these tips, you can be prepared to shake your worries off, at least until the morning.


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