Is there a relationship between astrology and psychology...Interview by Stephanie E.
BOLDBoss Question (1): Thank you for taking the time to speak with us today here at She's SINGLE Magazine. Can you share a bit about yourself, your background, and your education?
BOLDBoss Question (2): Can you explain to our readers what is a horoscope and a moon sign? How do the two differ?
BOLDBoss Question (3): Is there a relationship between astrology and psychology?
BOLDBoss Question (4): In light of my previous question, The story of Serial Killer Jeffrey Dahmer was viewed in 56 million homes, making it widely popular and well-received by the general public. The killer himself was a Gemini. Based on your expertise can you shed some light on whether or not this could have had some relation to him becoming a serial killer?
BOLDBoss Question (5): What can one learn by looking into a person's astrological makeup?
BOLDBoss Question (6): In your interview with The New York Daily News, you said, "Astrology is a "language of symbols” that can be connected to certain traits and traumas." Can you expand on this?
BOLDBoss Question (7): There is now a growing interest in Astrology, so much so that TikTok is oversaturated with readers. What can you advise consumers/ viewers on this type of consumption? Are there specific things they should look and listen for to avoid scams or dishonest readers? What makes an Astrologist authentic?
BOLDBoss Question (8): How does Tarot Card reading and Astrology tie into one another? Palm reading?
BOLDBoss Question (9): With the rising popularity of astrology in recent years do you think that this will provide some kind of relief for Gen Z's who struggle a lot with their mental health? According to studies since 2019, a whopping 91% of Gen Zs said they experienced a physical or emotional mental illness.
BOLDBoss Question (10): Thank you. Do you have any upcoming projects you would like to share and where can our readers find you online? Also, do you offer personal readings?
BOLDBoss Question (1): Thank you for taking the time to speak with us today here at She's SINGLE Magazine. Can you share a bit about yourself, your background, and your education?
I.V.: Thank you for the invitation, it is nice to be here. My name is Iva Vucinic and I am a Certified Astrology Professional (CAP ISAR), focused on the use of Astrology to help personal growth and the process of healing. Also, I find it fulfilling to improve the overall image of Astrology. There is a lot of shady information surrounding it and I believe that people should be informed about what is real behind the mystery, what relies on actual natural phenomena, and where our beliefs kick in to help us find our connection to its symbolism, or not.
By formal education, I am a Physical Chemist who graduated from the University of Belgrade in 2009. For several years, I worked in this primary field of expertise and continued my informal education in Astrology at Johannes Kepler Institute in Belgrade, Serbia. In March 2014, I received my international certification and graduated from the Institute, where I worked as an assistant afterward. Since January 2016, I have been writing for
I was curious about Astrology since I was a young teenager and extremely skeptical when it comes to “believing in it” only to discover that this was never a system of beliefs to begin with. For years I considered it a loving hobby that brings me solace. With time, I found that my love for Astrology is what helped me build extensive experience and learn about it on a solid foundation of my actual personal beliefs. I hope to continue teaching and sharing information that helps others recognize the wonder of synchronicities in their lives as I do in mine.
BOLDBoss Question (2): Can you explain to our readers what is a horoscope and a moon sign? How do the two differ?
I.V.: “Horoscope” is a very wide term. Its root is found in Greek and means “observer of the hour (time)”. It is used to speak about a reading, but it also denotes the chart we use where projections of planets are seen in a zodiac circle. When we speak about a sign’s horoscope, for example, a “Libra horoscope”, we are referring to a reading for people born with their Sun in the sign of Libra. In other words, this term is often used to speak about the Sun sign, but a horoscope is the analysis of any chart (natal chart, progressive chart, chart of the moment, etc.), or any kind of planetary projection readable in different branches of Astrology.
The Sun sign is commonly used to give a glimpse of Astrology through the basics of the twelve zodiac signs. When we say that someone is a Taurus, we are saying that they are born with their Sun in the sign of Taurus. This position is the easiest one to determine, as the Sun defines seasons in a year that form the circle of the zodiac. A person’s Sun sign shows certain traits, inclinations and what calls on their awareness and attention.
It is the mark of someone’s character, ego, what they consider important and priorities in their life. The Sun is the main impact of the father. Sun sign readings are general and not specific. To get into it on a personal level, we must observe its aspects, rulers, and all sorts of additional information from one’s natal chart. Our Sun sign is the place where we find creativity and initiative in what is fun and supportive of our inner child.
The Moon sign is the natal position of the Moon in one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. It affects tides and waters on Earth, and this symbolism is connected to our personal “flow” and our emotional world. It also speaks about the reactivity and intimacy that we are prone to show in close relationships. It represents our Soul, the foundation that our feelings have grown on, and points out issues of the family we grew up in. It is the main impact of the mother. The Moon sign is a place of primal emotional needs and things that bring us peace and joy.
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BOLDBoss Question (3): Is there a relationship between astrology and psychology?
I.V.: To begin with, Psychology is an official science while Astrology is still considered a pseudoscience and has very little to do with formal academic studies. Throughout history, Astrology was a part of natural sciences. Ancient Astrologers needed extensive education in fields of Astronomy, Mathematics and Physics to even calculate a chart. It was once common for great rulers to have their personal Astrologers that would determine the proper time for their political and personal decisions.
Since then, things have changed as natural sciences expanded and separated. Religion set new standards for belief systems or predictions of any kind, and the collective thought pushed Astrology onto a margin where it still exists today. We can see a glimpse of history in its name, as it still carries the root of the word “logos”, meaning discourse, science or study (of the stars).
It is also interesting to draw a parallel with Psychology which became a legitimate science in the 19th century even though the philosophical interest in the human mind dates back to ancient civilizations as well.
Astrology focuses on synchronicity (Jung’s concept) of our lives with celestial bodies and Psychology is focused on the internal, mental and emotional processes of human beings. They are separate disciplines and may become wonderful coworkers. Information from the natal chart may help us understand the background that isn’t instantly seen when someone comes to therapy, while knowledge about the human psyche helps build proper responsibility for any kind of consulting. Even though Astrologers and Psychologists use different information to work with people, they could help each other in numerous ways as the main goal is to “awaken” the individual in both approaches.
It seems to me that Psychology is gaining speed at finding the fine connection of our psyche with the body. I hope this will create room for our pseudoscience to become more acceptable, through research on its “outer connections” with the Self.
BOLDBoss Question (4): In light of my previous question, The story of Serial Killer Jeffrey Dahmer was viewed in 56 million homes, making it widely popular and well-received by the general public. The killer himself was a Gemini. Based on your expertise can you shed some light on whether or not this could have had some relation to him becoming a serial killer?
I.V.: When we say that someone is a Gemini, this speaks about the position of the Sun in a sign. This is an extremely small factor in any form of astrological outlook on Jeffrey Dahmer’s entire chart, or his life path. In terms of Astrology, this does not give us any clue about the positions of his Moon, his ascendant, any of the houses in his natal chart, or their rulers.
If we are looking for codes and “rules'' in Astrology that would point to someone’s homicidal tendencies, we would need many pointers in a personal chart, through several different techniques. We would also need knowledge about their state of mind, as well as their background and the trauma they carried from their home. This is exactly why not all people born at the same time as Jeffrey Dahmer became serial killers. Numerous things must add up for such drastic choices in life and we all live in different stages of awareness, depending on our background.
In research we conducted last year, we analyzed the database of serial killers according to their Sun sign. Based on available information, we came up with numbers that put Gemini at the bottom of the list for the number of serial killers born with this position of the Sun. A Gemini Sun in the element of Air and this element was also not as high on the list as the element of Water, for example.
The sign of Gemini usually points to a human nature that is focused on social and conversational strengths, one that is prone to rationally process society and people in it. This specific position in his chart does not speak about his tendencies per se. However, his Sun with burned Mercury by its side was in an intense square with Pluto. This does show a way of thinking that can become extremely destructive if numerous other factors align.
BOLDBoss Question (5): What can one learn by looking into a person's astrological makeup?
I.V.: In my experience, the most valuable thing one can find in an Astrology reading or by learning about Astrology is a glimpse of understanding themselves. When we observe planets in their signs, we can recognize patterns that serve as soil for our growth and this is a valuable piece of information when we wish to heal and grow. It is rewarding to understand the positive and negative manifestations of planetary positions in one’s chart. This gives us a chance to raise awareness about our actual possibilities. Where there is darkness, Astrology may shed light or point you in a direction that will bring more ease to burdening matters.
When we observe a natal chart, it is important to know what we are trying to unveil. This requires knowledge about the basic symbolism of planets, houses and signs. As our astrological “vocabulary” grows, it becomes clearer that some things have similar meanings even though they once seemed completely separate and disconnected. For example, one’s fallen Moon in Scorpio speaks about the lack of love and forgiveness they may feel in the world, sadness and heart problems, or their excitement and love for change, taboos and sexuality. The interpretation depends on the context, aspects, and the rest of the chart.
In a practical sense, this means that Astrology can provide you with all sorts of information, depending on what you seek. Still, one should keep in mind that their life is their own choice and no prediction should be taken (or given) lightly. We may find logic in the way things are developing through the disposition of planets or aspects, but this does not mean that we are devoid of free will to live our lives. In my opinion, the fulfillment we will find depends on the level of responsibility that we are willing to take for our future.
BOLDBoss Question (6): In your interview with The New York Daily News, you said, "Astrology is a "language of symbols” that can be connected to certain traits and traumas." Can you expand on this?
I.V.: Each Astrology chart is a map of information that we may observe in numerous ways. When it comes to personal traits, positions in the natal chart speak about different parts of our personality that are more or less potent and supported through family, circumstances, and the relationship we have with ourselves. This is what each planetary position, in a sign, a house, and all of its aspects speaks of. It takes time to understand the basic principles of Astrology, but once we get a grasp on reading the symbolism, we can connect the dots and understand accented personal traits in one’s chart.
Since trauma is within the symbolism of Uranus—the planet of Astrology—many people who seek help from an Astrologer wish to address and better understand some deep issues within their system. We all have, more or less, an impact of generational trauma in our lives, and each natal chart shows a fine connection of close and personal planets with distant issues from our family line.
With the proper education, responsibility and empathy of an Astrologer, a safe environment can be created for a person to learn more about things that are pushed deep into the unconscious world or those that are “over the boundary”, exactly what Uranus stands for. Astrology can also be brought down to a practical plane through advice for one’s supportive routine and used to help deal with difficult issues. In a consultation, a sudden glimpse of awareness is sometimes all we need to step out of a toxic pattern, choose an entirely different direction, and with time overcome what seemed too big to handle.
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BOLDBoss Question (7): There is now a growing interest in Astrology, so much so that TikTok is oversaturated with readers. What can you advise consumers/ viewers on this type of consumption? Are there specific things they should look and listen for to avoid scams or dishonest readers? What makes an Astrologist authentic?
I.V.: The main problem here is the fact that there is no official filter for Astrologers that could separate educated individuals from those that merely share their fascination with it, or use it for personal gain. A client will seek information “from the stars” when they are under extreme pressure, at a turning point in their lives, or when they need that change-inducing spark of knowledge about themselves that they didn’t find in other common and socially acceptable ways.
If I was a beginner and looking for information about Astrology, I would start with recommended books and lectures that come from those who are certified and stand on years of education. Funny TikTok’s and Instagram reels can sometimes spark our inner world and become just what we need to laugh at our own seriousness. Still, to turn to any deeper research, we must follow that inner voice telling us that information we get resonates with our emotions, rather than merely sparking curiosity. Where I sensed a deep understanding of myself, had room to explore who I am in the process, and felt support, is where I found my proper understanding of Astrology and the wonderful people who educated me along the way.
This puts all dramatic, fatalistic and ominous predictions in the background. Through them, we usually learn that we are in charge and responsible for our own lives, and we won’t go through personal hell just because someone said we would. Threatening, dark readings are usually not what we ever looked for, even if trauma deeply bruised our personal world. We are all children at heart in need of support and creativity. If there isn’t enough tenderness in someone’s approach to nurture that side of our nature, then we are probably not looking in the right direction.
BOLDBoss Question (8): How does Tarot Card reading and Astrology tie into one another? Palm reading?
I.V.: These are all very different teachings. Astrology relies on scientific information about celestial bodies and their movements in time (which are known with precision in advance, for any given moment). It would not exist without Astronomy and Physics and shows synchronicity in each specific moment as celestial bodies “live” and move just like we do. On the other hand, you never know which Tarot card will be pulled out next and this entire system requires a different tie with the field, set only in the present moment.
I have had the opportunity to read some interesting material about Tarot Cards and discovered that their foundation of symbolism is as extensive as the one for Astrology. Also, I found that Tarot Cards can be used as a visual stimulus for certain conclusions about the Self and aid in overcoming or understanding internal blockages through imagery. Still, this was never something I pursued and learned much about.
All esoteric teachings speak to us through some form of symbolism that the reader builds an understanding of. People who practice any of them have their minds employed to understand how strings of the moment connect to actual circumstances in our lives. Quality information about Astrology is typically easier to reach than others and has less to do with any external belief systems except the one that we all feel around us through “coincidence” and synchronicity. There is simply less mystery to Astrology, and this leaves more room for actual scientific research due to very precise scientific data it relies on.
BOLDBoss Question (9): With the rising popularity of astrology in recent years do you think that this will provide some kind of relief for Gen Z's who struggle a lot with their mental health? According to studies since 2019, a whopping 91% of Gen Zs said they experienced a physical or emotional mental illness.
I.V.: There is still a lot of stigma surrounding mental illness in general, just like there is a lot of stigma around Astrology. In my opinion, this is one of the reasons that individuals who already feel excluded find solace in a teaching that is also seen as an ever-present outcast. In a way, this is a positive side of the current status of Astrology, for people who aren’t well-accepted and feel lonely can connect to something that does offer insight and stands on the margin right by their side.
With the rise of human consciousness, contact with sensitive emotions is inevitable and this is what history teaches us about obvious events. In the past, living conditions did not leave room for people to dive into their deepest emotional wounds. When we are preoccupied with physical threats and existential challenges, mental health is not a priority over mere survival. Since threats like these have subsided in our society over time, fresh generations are faced with all that leftover generational trauma along with their ongoing personal issues.
Astrology can be of great help here, but only if it is properly used. When you seek psychological help, it is clear that you are looking for someone with adequate training and expertise. Without structured education, some astrologers lack information in ethics and psychology that are essential when working with vulnerable individuals. This is exactly why I would advise young people to read, consult their gut feeling, and get well-informed about the Astrologer that they wish to turn to for help, before taking a leap of faith.
BOLDBoss Question (10): Thank you. Do you have any upcoming projects you would like to share and where can our readers find you online? Also, do you offer personal readings?
I.V.: I am always excited to spread the word about the useful and healing sides of Astrology and wish to develop further as a teacher rather than a consultant. Currently, I write for and I am patiently working on an e-book about Out of Bound planets. I also have some workshops and seminars planned, but the idea is still fresh. It will take a while until we set it in motion. I love the element of surprise so hopefully what I give to others in the future will keep them surprised as well.
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